The Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering is one of the publishing journals at Amirkabir University of Technology. The journal has been running for more than 50 years, publishing numerous Persian original articles. From 2017, an English journal, named as AUT Journal of Civil Engineering is being published alongside the Persian journal, with two issues per year.
The reviewers of the journal comprise of university academics around the world. The review strategy of AJCE is single-blind peer review. The editorial board members meet regularly to decide about the articles. The editorial board members are all senior researchers from different universities all over the world. All civil engineering fields are of interest to this Journal. The journal scope includes: water and hydraulic structures, structural analysis, transportation, and transportation, construction materials, masonry, concrete structures, steel structures, environmental pollution, building materials, soil mechanics and foundation engineering, earthquake and Construction Management and control.
We, therefore, request all researchers and university lecturers to send their original scientific manuscripts to this journal.
Authors who wish to submit their articles in Persian are invited to visit the journal’s Persian website (CEEJ.AUT.AC.IR) to receive writing principles for submission of Persian articles.
Dear researchers, to view the records of the Amirkabir Scientific Research Journal by AJSR.AUT.AC.IR and to submit their research papers in Persian to the CEEJ.AUT.AC.IR address.
This journal has received the "Scientific-Research" grade from the Iran Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. (Link)
This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.
CC BY-NC: This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
Access to articles from this site is free
This Journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
This Journal doesn't have any submission and article processing charges (APCs).
Pages 3-16
Abdolreza Karimi; Masoud Amelsakhi; Reza Yousefi; Amir Abbas Amooei
Pages 17-32
Gholamreza Shobeyri; Seyed Hossein Ghoreishi Najafabadi; Mehrdad Abed
Pages 33-42
Fatemeh Rashidi; Arash Rasaizadi
Pages 43-50
ata Jafary Shalkoohy; SeyedehNajmeh Rezaei Tochaei
Pages 51-66
Iman Bitaraf; ali akbar shirzadi javid
Pages 67-80
fateme jazebi; moslem bakhshi