The Effects of Extreme Environments on Concrete Surface Layer and Durability and Using Permeability-Reducing Admixtures to Prevent permeability of Harmful Liquids

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Gazvin, Iran


Extreme environmental conditions have a negative impact on the mechanical properties of concrete, which can reduce concrete durability. Among these conditions, cycles of freezing-thawing can be mentioned because these cycles cause the expansion of craze cracks in the concrete and finally cause serious damage. Accordingly, in extreme environmental conditions, using ma-terials that reduce the permeability of water, oil, or any other harmful liquid in the concrete is needed. It should be pointed out that the study of surface strength is meaningful. In addition, the concrete top layer is so important since it is directly exposed to the ambient environment and is mostly affected by the external condition. Therefore, in this study, using new twist-off and cylindrical-chamber tests, the surface strength and concrete permeability are measured. Then, the impact of extreme environmental conditions on the mentioned items is evaluated. Eventually, using a permeability-reducing admixture, the concrete durability against the permeability of harmful materials is increased. According to the findings, fibrous micro silica-gel can be used as a permeability-reducing admixture to reduce the negative effects of extreme environments on concrete surfaces. Also, the amount of water permeability in concrete surfaces is rapid for the first 50 cycles of freezing and thawing, but afterward, it gradually decreases. The permeability of plain concrete is achieved to be 13.3 mL. Yet, the value is equal to 6.6 mL for concrete containing per-meability-reducing admixtures. The findings showed that the permeability of concrete containing permeability-reducing admixtures is almost 50 percent less than the permeability of plain concrete.


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