Abbaslou, Hakime
Developing three hybrid machine learning algorithms for predicting the mechanical properties of plastic concrete samples with different geometries [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 37-54]
Abbaslou, Hakime
Biological stabilizers for different dispersive clayey soils [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 17-26]
Abedian, sahar
Rock fall Susceptibility Mapping Using Artificial Neural Network, Frequency Ratio, and Logistic Regression: A Case Study in Central Iran, Taft County [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Afshar, Ali
Evaluating the Effects of Countdown Timers on Intersection Safety: A Case Study in Arak, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 377-385]
Ahmadi Nezhad, AmirHossein
Evaluating the Effects of Countdown Timers on Intersection Safety: A Case Study in Arak, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 377-385]
Akhaveissy, Amir houshang
Constant-damage residual ratios of SDOF systems subjected to pulse type ground motions [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 145-154]
Akhaveissy, Amir houshang
Assessment of Seismic Demands caused by 12 November 2017 Ezgeleh Earthquake (Mw=7.3) in Kermanshah [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 103-112]
Akhondi, Behzad
Investigation on the Effect of Addition of Nano Alumina, Nano-silica, Nano Titania, and Mwcnts on Flexural and Compressive Strengths of Cement Mortar [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 487-504]
Akhoond-Ali, Ali Mohammad
Evaluation and Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Gridded Precipitation by TRMM, ERA5, and PERSIANN-CCS Datasets on the Upstream of the Maroon Basin, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 529-542]
Alidoust, Pourya
Developing three hybrid machine learning algorithms for predicting the mechanical properties of plastic concrete samples with different geometries [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 37-54]
Alinaghimaddah, Seyedreza
Effect of distance from the sea on reinforced concrete chloride corrosion probability [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 199-208]
Almasi, Seyed Ahmad
Rock fall Susceptibility Mapping Using Artificial Neural Network, Frequency Ratio, and Logistic Regression: A Case Study in Central Iran, Taft County [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Amintoosi, Mahmood
Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran-Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 517-528]
Asemi, Farhad
The Effect of the Crack Initiation and Propagation on the P-Wave Velocity of Limestone and Plaster Subjected to Compressive Loading [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 55-62]
Asheghi Mehmandari, Tohid
The Effect of the Crack Initiation and Propagation on the P-Wave Velocity of Limestone and Plaster Subjected to Compressive Loading [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 55-62]
Azarhoosh, Alireza
Evaluation of Nano Hydrated Lime on the Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures Using Surface Free Energy [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 125-136]
Azarhoosh, Mohammad Javad
Evaluation of Nano Hydrated Lime on the Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures Using Surface Free Energy [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 125-136]
Aziminezhad, Mehran
Energy-Based Method for Evaluating Cracks and Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Ultra-High Strength Concrete under Impact Loads [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 289-302]
Bahaabadi, Mojtaba Rajabi
Analysis of Travel Time Distribution for Varying Length of Time Interval [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 241-248]
Bahadori, Hadi
Investigating the Effect of Particle Size on the Anisotropic Behavior of Saturated Sands, Using Hollow Cylindrical Torsional Shear Apparatus [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 449-472]
Bahrpeymah, Abdolhamid
Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis of Single-Layer Space Domes [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 367-376]
Bayat, H.
Mechanical and rheological properties of self-compacting concrete containing slag and natural zeolite [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 81-90]
Beigi, Hassan
Success Breakdown Structure: Application to Petrochemical Projects Success Assessment [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 333-348]
Boroujerdian, Amin Mirza
Investigating the influential factors in changing the likelihood of involving pedestrians in dangerous situations [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 357-366]
Daneshfaraz, Rasoul
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Properties of Sloped Broad Crested Weir [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 229-240]
Daneshfaraz, Rasoul
The S-jump’s Characteristics in the Rough Sudden Expanding Stilling Basin [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 349-356]
Dasineh, Mehdi
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Properties of Sloped Broad Crested Weir [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 229-240]
Emaminejad, Newsha
Evaluation of heavy metal contamination and associated health risk assessment in water body of the Jajrood River, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 209-220]
Emrani, Nima
Investigating the effect of road characteristics on fatal crash count and crash severity; Case study: Birjand-Qayen route [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-228]
Eskandari, Rasoul
Proposing Formula-Based Design Method for RC Columns and Uniformly Reinforced Shear Walls [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 249-264]
Farhadi, Elham
Seismic performance of bridges to a spatially varying horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motion [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 27-36]
Farhadi, Razieh
Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran-Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 517-528]
Farnood Ahmadi, P.
Mechanical and rheological properties of self-compacting concrete containing slag and natural zeolite [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 81-90]
Ganjkhanloo, Alireza
Analysis of Travel Time Distribution for Varying Length of Time Interval [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 241-248]
Ghaderi, Amir
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Properties of Sloped Broad Crested Weir [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 229-240]
Ghanbari, Bakhtiyar
Constant-damage residual ratios of SDOF systems subjected to pulse type ground motions [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 145-154]
Ghanbari, Bakhtiyar
Assessment of Seismic Demands caused by 12 November 2017 Ezgeleh Earthquake (Mw=7.3) in Kermanshah [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 103-112]
Ghanizadeh, Alireza
Biological stabilizers for different dispersive clayey soils [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 17-26]
Ghanizadeh, Ali Reza
Developing three hybrid machine learning algorithms for predicting the mechanical properties of plastic concrete samples with different geometries [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 37-54]
Ghanooni-Bagha, Mohammad
Effect of distance from the sea on reinforced concrete chloride corrosion probability [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 199-208]
Ghasemi, Seyedeh Sima
Cadmium Removal from aqueous solution by magnetized and polydopamine surface functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 315-322]
Ghorbani, Masoud
Ground Control Methods in High-Stress Ground Conditions in Civil and Mining Tunnels- Case Studies, and Benchmarking [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 557-578]
Gorjizade, Ali
Evaluation and Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Gridded Precipitation by TRMM, ERA5, and PERSIANN-CCS Datasets on the Upstream of the Maroon Basin, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 529-542]
Hadavifar, Mojtaba
Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran-Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 517-528]
Hadavifar, Mojtaba
Cadmium Removal from aqueous solution by magnetized and polydopamine surface functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 315-322]
Hadifard, Hojat
Biological stabilizers for different dispersive clayey soils [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 17-26]
Hajikarimi, Pouria
Energy-Based Method for Evaluating Cracks and Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Ultra-High Strength Concrete under Impact Loads [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 289-302]
Hatami, Farzad
Innovation Approach for Modelling Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Gene Expression Programming [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 137-142]
Hojatkashani, Ata
Investigation on the Effect of Addition of Nano Alumina, Nano-silica, Nano Titania, and Mwcnts on Flexural and Compressive Strengths of Cement Mortar [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 487-504]
Hosseini Nassab, Haddi
Evaluation of Protective Cavities Position on Decreasing Destructive Effects of Surface Blast on Buried Tunnels [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 543-556]
Jafarzadeh, Firooz
Finite difference method for buckling analysis of tapered Timoshenko beam made of functionally graded material [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 91-102]
Jahanbakhsh, Hamid
Developing a Novel Machine Learning Method to Predict the Compressive Strength of Fly Ash Concrete in Different Ages [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 423-436]
Jalili-Ghazizadeh, Mohammadreza
A Proposed Method for Locating of Leaky Areas in Water Supply Networks Based on Flow Hydraulic Grade Line [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 437-448]
Kanani, Saeed
Evaluation of heavy metal contamination and associated health risk assessment in water body of the Jajrood River, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 209-220]
Karimzad Anzabi, Azin
Thermal effects on the mechanical properties of marble, travertine and concrete cores under direct tensile test [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 155-164]
Kazemi, Mohammad Sadegh
Active control of structures based on an arbitrary damage index distribution [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 385-396]
Keramati, Abbas
Effect of behavioral parameters of base isolators on the seismic response of the bridge to near-fault ground motions [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 277-288]
Khalili, Mohammad
Thermal effects on the mechanical properties of marble, travertine and concrete cores under direct tensile test [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 155-164]
Khalilian, Shahrzad
Innovation Approach for Modelling Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Gene Expression Programming [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 137-142]
Kharazmi, Sara
Biological stabilizers for different dispersive clayey soils [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 17-26]
Khoshand, Afshin
Evaluation of heavy metal contamination and associated health risk assessment in water body of the Jajrood River, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 209-220]
Mahpour, Amirreza
Success Breakdown Structure: Application to Petrochemical Projects Success Assessment [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 333-348]
MajediAsl, Mehdi
The S-jump’s Characteristics in the Rough Sudden Expanding Stilling Basin [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 349-356]
Maji, Arup
Study of the Effect of Sensor Location on Sonic Echo/Impulse Response Testing in Timber Piles [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 473-486]
Mardi, Sahand
Energy-Based Method for Evaluating Cracks and Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Ultra-High Strength Concrete under Impact Loads [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 289-302]
Mashmouli Juybari, Reza
Evolutionary Polynomial Regression-Based Models for the One-Dimensional Compression of Chamkhaleh Sand Mixed with EPS and Tire Derived Aggregate [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 323-332]
Mirzaee, Reza
The S-jump’s Characteristics in the Rough Sudden Expanding Stilling Basin [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 349-356]
Moasheri, Reza
A Proposed Method for Locating of Leaky Areas in Water Supply Networks Based on Flow Hydraulic Grade Line [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 437-448]
Mobedi, Ehsan
Effects of mechanical coupler on cyclic behavior of wet connection in precast concrete Frame [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 3-16]
Moeinaddini, Mazaher
Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran-Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 517-528]
Moghadas Nejad, Fereidoon
Developing a Novel Machine Learning Method to Predict the Compressive Strength of Fly Ash Concrete in Different Ages [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 423-436]
Moghadas Nejad, Fereidoon
Energy-Based Method for Evaluating Cracks and Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Ultra-High Strength Concrete under Impact Loads [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 289-302]
Mohammadi, Alireza
Investigating the Effect of Particle Size on the Anisotropic Behavior of Saturated Sands, Using Hollow Cylindrical Torsional Shear Apparatus [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 449-472]
Mohammadi Golafshani, Emadaldin
Innovation Approach for Modelling Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Gene Expression Programming [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 137-142]
Mohammadnia, Esmail
Cadmium Removal from aqueous solution by magnetized and polydopamine surface functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 315-322]
Mohebi, Mohammad Masoud
Stabilization of saturated silty sand by colloidal silica: compressive and cyclic strength and shear wave velocity [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 113-124]
Mokhtari, Maryam
Rock fall Susceptibility Mapping Using Artificial Neural Network, Frequency Ratio, and Logistic Regression: A Case Study in Central Iran, Taft County [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Moridi, Ali
Evaluation and Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Gridded Precipitation by TRMM, ERA5, and PERSIANN-CCS Datasets on the Upstream of the Maroon Basin, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 529-542]
Mortaheb, Mohammad Mehdi
Success Breakdown Structure: Application to Petrochemical Projects Success Assessment [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 333-348]
Movahedifar, Seyyed Mojtaba
Evaluation of Protective Cavities Position on Decreasing Destructive Effects of Surface Blast on Buried Tunnels [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 543-556]
Nabi Beidhendi, Gholamreza
Evaluating the effect of truck size on the amount of Air pollutants emission due to consumption fuel [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 165-174]
Naghizade, A.
Mechanical and rheological properties of self-compacting concrete containing slag and natural zeolite [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 81-90]
Narmashiri, Kambiz
Effects of Vertical Deficiency Location on the Structural Behavior of Steel SHS Short Columns [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 399-410]
Naseri, Hamed
Developing a Novel Machine Learning Method to Predict the Compressive Strength of Fly Ash Concrete in Different Ages [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 423-436]
Ng, tang-tat
Study of the Effect of Sensor Location on Sonic Echo/Impulse Response Testing in Timber Piles [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 473-486]
Nouri, Gholamreza
Seismic performance of bridges to a spatially varying horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motion [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 27-36]
Nouri, Gholam Reza
Effect of behavioral parameters of base isolators on the seismic response of the bridge to near-fault ground motions [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 277-288]
Nozari, Mohammad Amin
Stabilization of saturated silty sand by colloidal silica: compressive and cyclic strength and shear wave velocity [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 113-124]
Parastesh, Hossein
Effects of mechanical coupler on cyclic behavior of wet connection in precast concrete Frame [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 3-16]
Rahimi, Kian
Evaluation of heavy metal contamination and associated health risk assessment in water body of the Jajrood River, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 209-220]
Ramezanianpour, A.A.
Mechanical and rheological properties of self-compacting concrete containing slag and natural zeolite [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 81-90]
Ramezanianpour, A.M.
Mechanical and rheological properties of self-compacting concrete containing slag and natural zeolite [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 81-90]
Ramezanianpour, AmirMohammad
Effect of Micro Silica and Slag on the Durability Properties of Mortars against Accelerated Carbonation and Chloride Ions Attack [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 411-422]
Rashidyan, Saman
Study of the Effect of Sensor Location on Sonic Echo/Impulse Response Testing in Timber Piles [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 473-486]
Rassafi, Amir Abbas
Investigating the effect of road characteristics on fatal crash count and crash severity; Case study: Birjand-Qayen route [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-228]
Rezaie Soufi, Ghazal
Evolutionary Polynomial Regression-Based Models for the One-Dimensional Compression of Chamkhaleh Sand Mixed with EPS and Tire Derived Aggregate [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 323-332]
Rostami, Ghodsieh
Evaluation of heavy metal contamination and associated health risk assessment in water body of the Jajrood River, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 209-220]
Sadeghfam, Sina
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Properties of Sloped Broad Crested Weir [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 229-240]
Samadi, Bahram
Dynamic Analysis of Suspension Footbridges under Human-induced Vibrations and Near-field Earthquakes–Soti Ghat Bridge in Nepal [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 505-516]
SatariFard, Ahmad Reza
Experimental Study of Effects of Fly Ash On the Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 185-198]
Sayyad, Amin
Analysis of Travel Time Distribution for Varying Length of Time Interval [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 241-248]
Shabakhty, Naser
Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis of Single-Layer Space Domes [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 367-376]
Shabani Ammari, Amin
Effects of Vertical Deficiency Location on the Structural Behavior of Steel SHS Short Columns [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 399-410]
Shafaati, Mostafa
Investigating the influential factors in changing the likelihood of involving pedestrians in dangerous situations [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 357-366]
Shafaei, Jalil
Proposing Formula-Based Design Method for RC Columns and Uniformly Reinforced Shear Walls [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 249-264]
Shahbaz, Mohammad
Thermal strength of the alkali-activated slag concrete [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 303-314]
Shahbazi, Ali
Evaluation and Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Gridded Precipitation by TRMM, ERA5, and PERSIANN-CCS Datasets on the Upstream of the Maroon Basin, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 529-542]
Shahrouzi, Mohsen
Seismic performance of bridges to a spatially varying horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motion [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 27-36]
Shariat Mohaymany, Afshin
Analysis of Travel Time Distribution for Varying Length of Time Interval [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 241-248]
Sharifzadeh, Mostafa
Ground Control Methods in High-Stress Ground Conditions in Civil and Mining Tunnels- Case Studies, and Benchmarking [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 557-578]
Shayanfar, Mohsen Ali
Effect of distance from the sea on reinforced concrete chloride corrosion probability [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 199-208]
Shourestani, Abolfazl R
Energy-Based Method for Evaluating Cracks and Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Ultra-High Strength Concrete under Impact Loads [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 289-302]
Tavakoli Kashani, Ali
Evaluating the Effects of Countdown Timers on Intersection Safety: A Case Study in Arak, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 377-385]
Tavana Amlashi, Amir
Developing three hybrid machine learning algorithms for predicting the mechanical properties of plastic concrete samples with different geometries [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 37-54]
Veisi, Hojat
Cadmium Removal from aqueous solution by magnetized and polydopamine surface functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 315-322]
Yaghoubi, Mohammad Mehdi
Investigating the effect of road characteristics on fatal crash count and crash severity; Case study: Birjand-Qayen route [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-228]
Zamani Ahari, Gholamreza
Dynamic Analysis of Suspension Footbridges under Human-induced Vibrations and Near-field Earthquakes–Soti Ghat Bridge in Nepal [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 505-516]
Ziaie Moayed, Reza
Stabilization of saturated silty sand by colloidal silica: compressive and cyclic strength and shear wave velocity [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 113-124]
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